An Investigation on Youth Employability Skills in TVET Institutions in Mombasa County

  • Abraham Mutitu Kiruga University of Nairobi
  • Benson Odongo Wandago Kenya Coast National Polytechnic
  • Kihu Miano Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology
Keywords: TVET, Soft Skills, Technical Skills, Employability Skils


Employability and technical skills are critical to the job market in the 21st century. Relevant technical skills as well as soft skills are required by industry employers in hiring competent employees as we move towards the realization of Vision 2030. The purpose of this study was to establish the employability competency skills needed of TVET graduates in the organizations as the country is geared towards the actualization of the economic pillar to be an industrialized nation. The study achieved this by establishing the various types of skills impacted by courses offered by TVET institutions and determining whether the youth have the skills required for sustainable development. The study adopted a cross sectional descriptive design. The study population of 115 respondents included 5 human resources managers from the industry, 10 heads of departments and 100 graduates from electrical, automotive, mechanical, textile, business, hospitality, secretarial, medical and applied science, and building and construction departments of 2015 to 2016. Respondents were randomly selected from Technical University of Mombasa and Kenya Coast National Polytechnic, departmental heads in the institutions and human resource managers in 5 firms within Mombasa County. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data and the results were analyzed by inferential and descriptive statistics adopted from the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The findings revealed that TVET institutions offer many courses which do not give the student the appropriate employability skills needed in the industry. The study recommends collaboration between institutions and the industry in the development of competitive skills

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How to Cite
Kiruga, A., Wandago, B., & Miano, K. (2018). An Investigation on Youth Employability Skills in TVET Institutions in Mombasa County. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 3(1), 78-93. Retrieved from