Routine Risk Management Strategies in TVET Institutions’ Operations. A Case of Coast Institute of Technology

  • Dickens O Odum Coast Institute of Technology, Voi, Kenya
Keywords: Risk Management, TVET Strategic Management, TVET, Routine Operations


Educational institutions continue to operate in a volatile environment characterized by a myriad of challenges. Furthermore, the institutions are confronted with a future that is marked with uncertainty. The concealed risks are threatening to derail the attainment of the anticipated vision and objectives. Therefore, this demands for a change of strategy in order for the institutions to maintain their focus. Given the limited information on the risk position of educational institutions, this study sought to find out how TVET institutions manage risk in their routine operations. The study used a mixed methods approach to explore the risk management strategies adopted in the implementation of programmes. Data was collected through one-on-one interview with the principal, deputy principal, dean of students, head of department and analysis of relevant documents. This was complimented with a survey administered to the lecturers at the institution. Findings from this study reveal that there was lack of an elaborate risk management framework that could be used to address potential and emerging risks in the institution. Moreover, there was minimal indication of the knowledge of risk management though there were activities that seemed to focus on the identification of risks. The findings from the study were that 72% of the lecturers rated the institution’s approach to management of major risks as poor. The unfamiliarity with risk management strategies made the managing of risks to become a reactive and inconsistent activity. The study recommends that risk management be incorporated in the strategic processes of educational institutions. For this to materialize there is need for continuous professional development of the administrators and the lecturers to upgrade their skills on risk management. The Ministry of Education should also develop a policy framework to support the institutionalization of risk management in the operations of the institutions.

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How to Cite
Odum, D. (2023). Routine Risk Management Strategies in TVET Institutions’ Operations. A Case of Coast Institute of Technology. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 8(1), 225-235. Retrieved from