An Overview of Green Human Resource Management Practices in Kenya

  • Edwin Chemjor Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
Keywords: Green Human Resource Management, cost reduction, job satisfaction, working environment


A number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), if well implemented, will lead to green economies and societies.  The workplace offers a first-hand ground for the implementation of green HRM practices supporting the attainment of green economies and societies. The desire of every organization to excel in business and achieve its long-term strategic goals cannot be underestimated. Nevertheless, there is need for organizations to balance between profits and the SDGs goals. Organizations are fast realizing that taking their environmental impact seriously is beneficial not just for the outer environment but also for their businesses. The objective of the study was to assess the extent green HRM practices applied in the work places; and to find out the influence of green practices on the management of human resources in selected institutions in Kenya. The study adopted desktop research design involving document analysis from selected practice sectors where studies on the practice of green human resource and sustainability have been undertaken. This involved document analysis of Ministry of Environment, Acts of Parliament, Kenya Green University Network (KGUN) and other institutions that underpin the extent of Green HRM practice implementation in Kenya. The platform of HRM, as the central function of any organization therefore, comes in handy towards the realization of both business desires and Sustainable Development Goals. A number of previous studies indicate that the focus on specific SDGs goals relevant to organizational contexts, have led to a reduction in costs, improved performance, enhanced job satisfaction, high retention levels and a more pleasant working environment. Greening Human Resource Management practices remain a new concept in Kenya because majority of organizations have not yet put it in practice despite the crucial effects it has on the quality of the work environment and service delivery.  Although efforts to actualize it in public and private institutions are in place, such institutions have not realized their intentions.  Owing to the few efforts observed on the appreciation of GHRM practice, there is need to lay more focus in the area and take advantage of the opportunities that come with it through training on and demystifying the practices.

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How to Cite
Chemjor, E. (2020). An Overview of Green Human Resource Management Practices in Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 5(1), 111-119.